Keri - She/He/They/It - 20

Current main interests:
Pokemon (clickable)
up to gen 8 & minimal knowledge of gen 9. Bandeur de la 5G. Villain enjoyer in general it is like a curse. I'm also a fan of pokespe. Raihan is my fav character overall <3
Currently playing White 2 + Scarlet + Legends
Ajin Demi-human*
Read manga + watched anime. Fan of everyone ^_^ very fav is Gen bur rlly i think about everyone a lot
Super Sonico
I collect merch & love her as a character ! Watched the anime and currently playing the Sonicomi game :D
I am (self dxed) autistic & french (i speak it sometimes). Other interests of mine include Fatal 2010, Nyanpire, Oyasumi Punpun, Kurosagi Corpse delivery service*, Ninjago, Sexy Sushi (band) & Dragons ! I watched and am currently reading Soul Eater* + am currently going through Classicaloid. I am on a break from watching it due to school but i also am very much into House M.D./I am critical of all of my interests!!/

Italic means I consumed it long ago/i have blurry memories of it
Bold means it's very recent/i'm consuming it rn !!

[main game series]
• SoulSilver
Platinum (DS)
Black 2
White 2 (currently playing!)
• Y
• Omega Ruby
• Moon
Scarlet (currently playing!)
Legends Arceus (currently playing!)
[spin-offs etc]
• Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: explorers of Darkness
Pokemon Ranger : Shadows of Almia
• Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure (i love it a lot)
• Pokemon Dream Radar
• Pokemon Link: Battle!
• Pokemon Shuffle
Pokemon Picross
• Pokemon rumble world
• Pokemon Smile
• Magikarp Jump
Pokemon Masters EX

READ (in french editions there are fewer bigger books)
Pokespe Red-Blue-Yellow
Pokespe Gold-Silver-Crystal vol 1/3
Pokespe Gold-Silver-Crystal vol 2 + 3/3
Pokespe Ruby-Sapphire vol 1/3
• idk where to put that but i own the pokespe artbook & occasionally post about it :3
Pokespe DPPt
pokespe BW 5/9
• Pokemon Evolution
• Pokemon Generation
Pokemon Sun and Moon anime
Pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra-Adventures
Pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra-Legends
Journeys (currently watching)
Pokemon BW anime (currently watching)
Plan on:
• Reading the rest of B&W (owned)
• Reading B2&W2 (own them)

This is my jojo content list ! :]
[X] means i have seen/read it entirely
bold means that i am in the process of reading it
underline means i want to read it at some point!
☆ a star means it is a fav of mine/it is my main interest!

[X] Jojo anime part 1-6
[X] Jojo manga part 1-2-5☆-6-7-8☆
[X] Jojo Manga (Part 4 Epilogue, Deadman's Questions)
[ ] Jojo Manga (Part 4 Specials, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan)
[X] Jojo Anime OVA (Part 4, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan)
[X] Jojo Manga (Part 4 Special, Rohan goes to the Louvre)
[ ] Jojo Manga (Part 6 Special, Fly High With Gucci)

[ ] Jojo Light Novel (Part Three, Genesis of the Universe)
[ ] Jojo Light Novel (Part 4, the Book: Another Day)
[ ] Jojo novels: Rohan light novels
[ ] Jojo Live Action (Part 4, Arc 1)
[ ] Jojo Light Novel (Part 5, Golden Heart, Golden Ring)
[X] Jojo Light Novel (Part 5 Epilogue, Purple Haze Feedback + Bonus Chapter)☆
[X] Jojo Light Novel (Part Six, Over Heaven)
[ ] Jojo Light Novel (Jorge Joestar)
[ ] Jojo Game Story (Eye’s Of Heaven)
[ ] Jojo Animated Movie (Part 1: Phantom Blood) (lost media, only some remains)
[X] Jojova (Part 3, Arc 1 )
[ ] Jojova (Part 3, Arc 2)


aka... just stuff i wanted to put somewhere ^__^

I'm not. putting a gif from the ajin anime im sorry it's too ugly

self proclaimed # number 1 transfem Roark truther

i am a fan of figure collecting & an amateur at it ! i also love stickers !!!!! other minor interests of mine include Suicide Girl* (the manga by Nakayama Atsushi), Drifting Dragons* & Jitsu Wa watashi wa/"Secretely I am.." . I am a casual Pjsekai player & LOVE rythm games in general (i play some at an arcade near me, mainly DDR & Maimai <3)

Newbie Hetalia fan trying to be the normalest possible. I love the girls (Belarus !!!!♡♡♡) and America and Italy the most :P would you guys still love me if i liked hetalia be honest. (its too late)

All media marked by an asterisk (*) were forced upon me by my good friend David who will take credits for any infections i may cause <3
I sometimes post about science because it's fun & I study it (cellular & molecular biology)

if you are a proshipper id really enjoy you not touching my stuff especially diadop related. thanks o_< (this is purely a comfort thing in itself do whatever i guess i just don't wanna know & i think you're despicable)

Dm me anytime and on any platform to trade 3DS friend codes!!!!!! (Need them for the XY friend safari hehe)

me in REAL LIFE!


Newbie Hetalia fan trying to be the normalest possible. I love the girls (Belarus !!!!♡♡♡) and America and Italy the most :P would you guys still love me if i liked hetalia be honest. (its too late)